The Westkitz Watershed is a musical duo featuring Devin West and Kitz Willman, rural settler Saskatchewan artists exploring their common Saskatchewan roots. They work together in conversation juxtaposed between a transgender, queer person and a cisgendered, straight man.

Their debut project, Lamb on a Leash (2020, independent), combines spoken word with experimental production ranging from jazz to drone to hip-hop. Field recordings, skittering drums, and improvised saxophone flesh out an intimate backdrop for West’s poetry, tending to topics such as prairie youth, rural queerness, trapline feminism, and kinship.

trapline feminism: queering death through art practice

follow the desire lines into the bush….


chevy nova ss

white snap caps blue snap caps…


goalie gets a mask/cigarette strings

full moon drumming on ice masks of masculinity masculinity drumming nests bound by cigarette strings



thinking out loud is a semiotics of survival for the silenced and the sacrificed


genderfluid geography: unmapping heteronormativity


distillation of resilience: female masculinity in form